VEITHsymposium Online Registration

Tuesday, November 19 - Saturday, November 23, 2024

My countdown
We strongly recommend registering on a computer rather than a phone or tablet

Refund Policy: There is a $95 cancellation fee if canceled in writing by October 19, 2024. No refunds will be made thereafter. However, if circumstances beyond our control, including, but not limited to: acts of God, governmental authority, declared war in the United States, terrorist attacks in the city in which the Conference venue is located in, curtailment of transportation either in the Conference City or in the countries/states of origin of the attendees, that prevents the conference from taking place, or other circumstances beyond our reasonable control which would make it illegal or impossible for VEITHsymposium, the Cleveland Clinic or the New York Hilton Midtown to hold the Conference, a full refund will be issued.

Recomendamos encarecidamente registrarse en una computadora en lugar de un teléfono o tableta

Reintegre Política: Hay una $95 tarifa por cancelación si cancelado en la escritura por el 19 de octubre de 2024. Ningunos reembolsos serán hechos después. Sin embargo, si las circunstancias están fuera de nuestro control, incluidos, entre otros: actos de Dios, autoridad gubernamental, guerra declarada en los Estados Unidos, ataques terroristas en la ciudad en la que se encuentra el lugar de la Conferencia, restricción del transporte en la Conferencia Ciudad o en los países / estados de origen de los asistentes, que impide que la conferencia se lleve a cabo, u otras circunstancias más allá de nuestro control razonable que harían ilegal o imposible que VEITHsymposium, la Clínica Cleveland o el New York Hilton Midtown celebren Conferencia, se emitirá un reembolso completo.

Note: For the convenience of our exhibitors, we provide pre-registration and post-registration lists which include your name, degree, physician/non-physician, specialty, city, state, zip code and country. If you would prefer that this information not be disclosed to our exhibitors, please send a written request to remove your information from the lists. Send your request

Registration Type

Individual Registration
Matrícula individual En Español
Group Registration
Agrupe Matrícula En Español

Attestation and Waiver of Liability

All applicable Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state and safety protocols will be enforced for this event at the time of the event. Additional attendance requirements may be implemented to ensure attendee health and safety.

I understand that use of masks by all participants at this event is optional by Cleveland Clinic, regardless of vaccination status. I further understand the risk in participating in a large group event and I agree to take full responsibility for my health choices and release and discharge The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, VEITHsymposium, their affiliates, corporate members, agents, officers, and employees for any related injury, loss, or damage of any kind or nature, including bodily injury or harm, sustained by me arising out of or in connection with or resulting from my voluntary participation at this event. I further understand that these requirements are subject to change based on the most recent status of CDC, local and/or state guidelines.

If you are registering yourself, please check this box:

By completing this, I verify I have read the above and I am over the age of 18.

If you are registering on behalf of someone else, please check this box:

By registering an individual or group of individuals for this event, I acknowledge that I have read the attestation and waiver of liability statement, I am over the age of 18, and I have the authority to complete the attestation and waiver of liability on his/her/their behalf.