2024 CME Credit Claiming Instructions

Tuesday, November 18 - Saturday, November 22, 2025

Thank you for attending the VEITHsymposium, 
Tuesday, November 19 - Saturday, November 23, 2024, 
New York, USA

How to Obtain Credit:

For your convenience, an account has been created for you to claim CME Credit, ABS Maintenance of Certification (Accredited CME & Self-Assessment Credits) and obtain a Certificate of Participation for this activity.

Please note that credits will not be offered past 5:00 p.m. on February 28, 2025, so please visit the website to claim your credits as soon as possible. No exceptions will be made.

  1. Please go to http://www.ccfcme.org/cmelogin
  2. Enter the email address used for registration and enter your password.
  3. If you do not know your password, please click "reset password"  or cut and paste this URL into your web browser: https://cce.ccf.org/ccecme/process?a=forgot-password-view
  4. Next to the Activity Title '51st Vascular Endovascular Issues Techniques Horizons (VEITH) Symposium', select hyperlink, "Click here to Claim Credit/Complete Evaluation"
  5.  Complete all steps as prompted to claim your credit.

Need Your Credit Reported to ABS? you must select the "CME and MOC" option at the beginning of the credit claiming process to provide your ABS diplomat information and complete the required evaluation. Credit will be reported to ABS within 30 days of completing this credit claiming process.

Your certificate will display on screen once you've completed the process. 

You can log in to: ccfcme.org/cmelogin at any time to access your certificates, transcript.

If you need assistance, contact the CME office at 216.444.9990 or mycme@ccf.org.